Recently we’ve seen some fairly extreme weather in Crowborough, including at least three named storms in the weeks since Christmas, as well as some pretty icy conditions.
When organising a funeral, it can be worrying to think the weather might affect whether your loved ones’ service goes ahead or not. However, we would like to reassure you that, in the 20 years we’ve been in business, we’ve never had to postpone one of our funerals. We even carried out burials at Herne Cemetery during the very cold conditions recently, thanks to the endeavours of the team at Crowborough Town Council.
Of course, when it is snowy or icy, this might make travelling difficult for some friends or relatives. If the funeral is at one of our local crematoria, then we can arrange for the service to be live streamed – meaning people can watch the service safely at home.
Most services also then available to watch later – which is helpful if you can’t be at home at that time or live abroad with a time difference. We know recently that one lady didn’t have wi-fi, so was able to watch the funeral of an old friend when she visited a relative who did have it.