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Support when a child dies


Following on from recommendations to the Scottish Government that everyone connected with the death of an infant or child should receive sector-appropriate training, the IFD (Independent Funeral Directors) College has announced that it will shortly be offering a stand-alone module dedicated solely to infant and child deaths.

This was recently announced in Insight, the magazine for SAIF Independent Funeral Directors, of which Tester & Jones is a member. 

The module has already received accreditation from One Awards and is currently being tested by college staff, prior to its launch in October.

Suitable for any member of staff, the certificate will provide evidence of appropriate training and, as it will require no entry qualification, it will be available to all staff.

The module will cover correct terminology for the period of gestation or age of a foetus or infant, statutory requirements including certificates, documents and registration in a range of circumstances. As well as local crematorium and cemetery procedures and cremation processes as they relate to infants and children, with particular emphasis on the retrieval of cremated remains. 

Additionally, the module pays great attention to supporting bereaved parents, other family members and siblings, ensuring they are able to make informed choices and the need for clarity and transparency throughout the arrangements and funeral.

“At Tester & Jones we welcome the introduction of this module and will be looking to share this new piece of learning with our team,” says Stephen Tester, who is involved with the IFD College marking papers. “The death of a child is devastating and anything which helps our team to support parents and their families appropriately and with care, compassion and professionalism at this difficult time is so important.”

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