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Stephen and Glenys recently had a very useful and enjoyable weekend in Scotland attending the SAIF AGM at the Dalmahoy Hotel & Country Club near Edinburgh.

We are incredibly proud to be an independent funeral director and, to emphasise our independence, have been an active member of SAIF – The National Society of Allied and Independent Funeral Directors - since Tester & Jones was established 18 years ago. SAIF was established in 1989 and represents almost 1000 members across 1800 sites, as well as an additional 100 associate members, who supply products or services to the funeral profession.

SAIF works hard to promote best practice and protect the interests of its members and their local communities; it represents our views at a national and local level, including at all levels in government; and it provides training and education programmes to ensure members meet the highest standards, through the Independent Funeral Directors College.

Membership also brings benefits to the families we support, as they can be assured of a compassionate, professional approach, underpinned by SAIF’s industry leading Code of Practice. SAIF also has stringent conditions for membership, which includes demonstrating a sound trading history and suitable premises. Members are inspected against the Code of Practice every two years.



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